DB Trad Group is offering free weekly tuition and instrument provision in traditional Scottish music with the opportunity to play in our trad bands and perform live music.
Our small group classes are for fiddle and accordion, and will run weekly through term time with tutors Karys Watt and Gill Hunter. These are aimed at, but not limited to, beginners aged P5 – S6 and new to trad players aged P5 – S2.
We also have two mixed instrument trad bands running weekly through term time, one for age group P5 - S2 and one for S3 - S6. These are open to anyone attending classes as well as anyone who can already play an instrument, providing it is suitable for playing trad music.
Classes are between 4-6pm every Monday.
Junior trad band (P5 – S2) is every Monday from 6:30 - 7:30pm
Senior trad band (S3 – S6) is every Monday from 7:30 – 8:30pm
If you would like to join Dunkeld & Birnam Traditional Youth Music Group, or would like more information, email dbtradgroup@gmail.com